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Admissions and Appeals

Admissions arrangements for St Georges Church School -

part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust

School Admission Applications

Important Information For Parents

We welcome applications from parents for their children to join our school at any time. We are a single-form entry school, with a PAN of 30 children per class.

For applications in connection with places required during the school year, we now have our own Admission Application Form which can be down loaded from the link below (or a paper copy collected from the school). This can be easily completed and returned directly to the School Office by email or hand. You can be assured of an admission decision being issued within 10 school days, but often much more quickly.

If you are intending to apply for your child to start school for the first time in September 2025, then you must still apply to your home Local Authority, using the authority’s Common Application Form. In order for your application to be considered as ‘on time’, you must ensure that this is submitted to your Local Authority before 23.59 hours on 15th January 2025. A decision in connection with on time applications will be issued on 17th April 2025 by the Local Authority. However, if your application is submitted late, you will not receive a decision until much later in the year, by which time the places available are likely to have been allocated.

You will find our admission arrangements below.

Other Information -

Deferrals or education requests outside of year group

North Somerset Admissions page

North Somerset Council