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Online Safety

At St Georges, we know that supporting children to safely and appropriately access online material is crucial to supporting them to be the very best version of themselves.  If you are concerned about your child's online presence or materials they have accessed at home or at school, the first port of call would usually involve speaking with your child's class teacher. Additionally, Emma Allen is our online safety lead and Jo Thorn is our Designated Safeguarding Lead - please phone the office if you require a phone call with either of them or a member of the safeguarding team. 

If you feel that you require additional help with supporting your child's online safety usage, please consider the links below...


A parents guide to Fortnite: Battle Royale | Childnet


Use Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC


Parents' Resources - Educate Against Hate


Safe Gaming Advice Hub | Internet Matters


What are app age ratings? | NSPCC


How to Ensure Your Children Stay Safe While Playing Online Games | NSPCC



If you’re stuck, not sure what to do, or if you’re worried about your child, you can also contact NSPCC trained helpline counsellors on 0808 800 5000.

Childline also has lots of information about online and mobile safety that will help you and your child.